Coming from a family of immigrants, the lawyer Asmahi from Bologna has always had the topic close to his heart of immigration this is why immigrant rights have been a central theme in professional and personal training.

Diritto dell'immigrazione

Article 13 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State” and that “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his own country”. Sometimes these freedoms are limited by a very specific bureaucracy and in whose meshes many people wishing to regularly access Italian territory to have their rights protected remain entangled.

Sometimes it is precisely the fundamental rights, those enshrined in art. 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person" which push some migrants onto Italian territory.

Lawyer Asmahi provides legal assistance and protection for EU and non-EU citizens who seek to take the tortuous path of rrecognition of the right of residence in our territory and who are often denied the rights of free movement and citizenship, who need international protection or who require an entry visa, residence permit or long-term residence permit.

Italian law (Consolidated Law on Immigration, art. 9, paragraph 4) provides that the residence permit "cannot be issued to foreigners who are dangerous for public order or the security of the State". Therefore, for many people with criminal convictions for certain crimes it is impossible to apply for a residence permit or renew an expiring residence permit.

In certain cases and under certain conditions and conditions, however, the law provides for the possibility of requesting the criminal rehabilitation: this is a provision that extinguishes the criminal effects of the sentence and effectively places the convicted person in a situation such that he can request the documents that allow him to reside regularly in our country.

Lawyer Asmahi lends assistance in matters of immigration law also for theobtaining and renewing residence permits, preparing if necessary appeals against non-release and/or renewal of residence permits e family reunification, as well as appeals against expulsion decrees both before the Regional Administrative Courts (TAR) and before the Ordinary and Voluntary Jurisdiction Authority.

Golden Visa Italia

Golden Visa Italy

The Golden Visa for Italy is a program that allows non-European people to obtain a residence permit in exchange for a significant investment in the country.

In summary, the law firm of Lawyer Jawad Asmahi of Bologna offers 360-degree assistance to foreign people, both EU and non-EU citizens, in the field of:

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If you want more information you can to contact the Asmahi Law Firm, or alternatively request one legal advice also online by clicking here.

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